So glad you applied. We're excited to go to market in 2024 with you and your brand!
Before paying, review our social media terms, insurance, certifications, and requirements. We also included this info in your invite email, as well as below. If you cannot deliver, our markets unfortunately aren't for you.
You'll need to familiarize yourself with our cancellation and refund policy before paying. Including, but not limited to rain dates. This policy is also included below.
If you have any questions or would like clarification, please reply to your invite email and let us know. We're always happy to hear from you.
Social Media Terms
Please review our social media terms. If you cannot deliver, our markets aren't for you. By paying, you agree.
1. Follow our IG and FB pages.
2. Engage in tagged posts/slides, by liking, commenting, and sharing through to your stories.
3. Post once a week, for 4-6wks before your event.
That's a minimum of 4 posts to your business page, over 6 weeks before your event, that tag TMH and mention the event details.
This doesn't need to be a flashy feature post (although we do love those!). They can be your regular scheduled content that mentions the event details in the caption tagging us.
This content must be created and posted by you. Sharing our stories and posts, although encouraged and appreciated, does not count towards your personal 4 post minimum.
We'll be confirming your social media agreement is met on the Monday of the week of your event date. Unfortunately if you have not posted 4x mentioning your attendance and the event details tagging us, you'll be removed. We'll email you to let you know on Tuesday the week of your event.
To avoid this unfortunate result, post 4x to your business page. If you've failed to post, you will be removed without refund.
Insurance, Certifications, and Requirements
Food vendors are required to make and package their products in a Dinesafe approved kitchen (or equivalent heath inspected approval for the area), hold a current Food Handlers permit and business insurance. This includes human and pet food vendors.
Bath & Body vendors are required to have business insurance and industry-compliant labeling in English.
Teething product vendors are required to have 2 million liability insurance and use food-grade silicone and products.
Rain dates, Cancellations, and Refunds
Refunds - Due to administration, marketing planning/prep, and additional event costs already incurred, fees are not fully refundable. They're 50% refundable if your spot is transferred or illness with a doctors note.
If we need to cancel your event due to weather, we'll decide no later than noon on Friday. We'll post in the vendor group, send an email, and share on our social media.
Transferring your spot - The effort to find a replacement vendor is up to you, not The Maker’s Hub.
The replacement vendor is required to fill out the application form and be accepted. Once they’ve paid, either a new date (if available), or a 50% refund will be issued. The max refund is 50% due to administration, marketing planning/prep, and additional event costs already incurred.
Transferring your spot - The effort to find a replacement vendor is up to you, not The Maker’s Hub.
The replacement vendor is required to fill out the application form and be accepted. Once they’ve paid, either a new date (if available), or a 50% refund will be issued.
Transfers must be confirmed 14 days or more before the pop-up date.
Illness with a doctor's note - If you’re ill and cannot attend, a 50% refund will be provided with a doctor's note. The doctor’s note must be dated 48 business hours before or after your event date.
Cancelling - If you're not able to attend we ask you to give us the curtesy of as much notice as possible so we can adjust the map and marketing. We understand this isn't always possible, but when it is, please do.